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Freaky Friday at Publift

Take a look at how we celebrated Halloween here at Publift!

Benefits of Team Sport for Your Business

At face value you might say that sport and work are two polar opposite domains; sport is a weekend activity with your friends, and work is, well, work.

Publift | Google Livestream Event!

Last week Publift had the awesome opportunity to host a livestream event alongside Google & Acqua Media.

Australia's Biggest Morning Tea

Publift participated in the Cancer Council's 'Australia's Biggest Morning Tea' to support those who have battled and continue to battle with cancer.

PubChat Sydney 2018

Following the success we had at our first PubChat event hosted in Melbourne last month, we did the same in our home town of Sydney.

PubChat Melbourne 2018

Publift hosted an informal “PubChat” with Melbourne’s leading online publishers. It was a great opportunity to get to know our clients on a personal level.

Does Exchange Bidding Work?

Google’s Exchange Bidding has landed! Having rolled out the beta version across our publishers, the results are better than we could have imagined.

PubComm Takes On Melbourne

Last week, Publift hit Melbourne to host our second PubComm event. We spoke to publishers about Publift's Fuse product and new projects we're working on.

Publift at the 2018 Google AdX Bootcamp

Publift had the awesome opportunity to once again be a part of the annual Google Ad Exchange Bootcamp.

Publift Scoop

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