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Company Updates

PubChat Melbourne 2018

Publift hosted an informal “PubChat” with Melbourne’s leading online publishers. It was a great opportunity to get to know our clients on a personal level.

PubComm Takes On Melbourne

Last week, Publift hit Melbourne to host our second PubComm event. We spoke to publishers about Publift's Fuse product and new projects we're working on.

Publift at the 2018 Google AdX Bootcamp

Publift had the awesome opportunity to once again be a part of the annual Google Ad Exchange Bootcamp.

Irish Australian Business Awards Finalist: Start Up of the Year

We’re honoured and proud to have been selected as a finalist in this year’s Irish Australian Business Awards for Start-Up for the Year.

Introducing Pubcomm – Publift’s very own Publisher Community

In December, Publift held our first Pubcomm event. Pubcomm was a meetup aimed at local SMB publishers eager to learn, share and explore new ideas.

IAB NZ Digital Overview

Publift was delighted to present to some of New Zealand’s biggest publishers (Fairfax, Bauer) and advertisers in their Digital Overview conference.

It’s Official – Publift is Now a Google Certified Publishing Partner!

After a rigorous enrolment process, Publift has been accepted into Google’s Certified Publishing Partner Programme in AUNZ.

How Publift Evolved into an Ad Tech Startup

Publift, is the brainchild of two top-notch tech executives Colm Dolan and Tobin Page with over 10 years of digital ad experience at Google.

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